
Friday, February 15, 2019

Drama Time #Being Healthy

Drama Time 
#Being Healthy#

Hi guys today I had we drama. We had to make a video about being healthy. We got to chose out of 4 subject to make our video about. The four subjects are Physical, Social, Emotional and Spiritual. Altogether the name of all four subjects are Hauora. We had to chose our team members. In my group there was Nevaeh, Tasharn, Hayley and Me. My group was focusing on being physical. We made a IMoive showing how to be physical. Here is our IMoive. Hope You Like It. BYE!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job girls, I love the way you added humour into your video! This is a really great example of Year 7/8 quality work.

    Keep it up! :)
    - Miss Birtch


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