
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas Around The World

In period 4 we had to make a DLO about Christmas Around The World. So we had to choose 3 countries to research about and what they do at Christmas time like traditions or Music. Hope you like it have a great day. Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 2, 2019

Creative Writing - Day Of The Death

Hi, guys today I will be sharing a story that I made! We had to make a story with only 4 paragraphs. Here is my Writing!  Please give feedback and hope you like it! 

Day Of The Death
The trees were green, the sky was blue and the mountains were looking over the misty blue ocean. As all the boats were sailing to the horizon in the navy blue seas, I smile with delight. I look closely at the bottom of the mountains I see the beach but no one is there. As everything feels like it is summer I sim to think I'm in heaven gazing at the blue water.  

My name is Emily I recently moved here with my family, I'm the youngest out of my three brothers Lucus is the oldest he is 19, Sam is the second oldest he is 17, Jaxson is the youngest brother is our family he is 15 and I'm 12. We live in a house at the top of the mountains in England, we used to live in New Zealand but Dad got a job so we moved last month. I was heading to the beach because I wanted to know where everyone was. 

Heading down to the beach the streets were empty usually the shops are open but they weren't. As I think that Jaxson calls out my name I turn back to see no one at all. It was very crazy because from where I was I could see only Sam in the garden and Lucus in the kitchen, mum and dad were shopping. Then I see a man who lives 3 blocks away from us he come out of his house and says to me that I should be at home it's The Day Of The Death!       

That man goes back into his house and yells loudly and says there is a knife with blood everywhere. I thought he was joking but he opens the door and I see blood everywhere I look at the ground and see a bloody knife. I scream and run home to tell Lucas, Sam and Jaxson they all run to the house but as soon as they open the door there was no blood and no knife. Where is it? 

Friday, November 29, 2019

Persuasive Writing - I'm Finished

Hi, guys today I and going to be telling you about what we have been doing with Mrs Allan Fletcher. So for the past 5 weeks, we have been working on persuasive writing. We had 5 topics to chose out of I choose lunch should not be provided in schools. If you want to find out keep reading. I have finished it. Here it is: 

Please give feedback! 

Have you ever thought about your children’s lunches and thought about whether or not children should be provided lunches from the government or school? Would it be too much money for every student to have lunch every day? Well, the answer is really simple, it would be too much money. I believe that schools should NOT provide lunch for all students. Schools providing lunch can charge the taxpayers more money.  The reason I disagree that food should be provided because their parents should provide lunches for the children and final they could be allergic.

Firstly just imagine how hard it would be to make food every day for every student at your child’s school? It would be harder then you think! The thing that the school would have to do is get people who can make lunches every day and how much money would that be? Let’s say that if the school makes 10 lunches how much would that cost and then times that by 50 that would be 500 students and to feed. Talk about the budget.

Secondly, your parents should be responsible for providing lunch for there children. The parents should have the capabilities to make a healthy lunch for there kids. If they are not responsible the kids have a lot of jobs. Like they would have to make their own lunch, do the dishes, hang the clothes, jobs that would never end! Another reason is your parent shouldn’t just make lunches it should be healthy. 

Thirdly, schools providing lunch can charge the taxpayers more money. Just imagine every school in New Zealand has to provide lunches. That would be hard for the taxpayers. That’s a lot of money some schools have more than 500 students. How much money would be spent on lunches at schools?

Finally, one of the biggest reasons why we shouldn’t have lunches provided in schools is kids might have special diets. Like they might be allergic to some foods and if they are they would have to make a special type of lunch for them. That would cost a lot as well.   

So this conclusion I disagree that food should be provided at schools. It would be too much money and time. Parents should have the ability to make lunches. Taxpayers would be paid too much and finally, they would have to make special lunches for kids with a diet. That wraps up my opinion on food should not be provided!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Summer Learning Journey - Introduction

Summer Learning Journey - Introduction 

Namaste, guys, my name is Risha from Hornby Hight and I will be talking about the 2019 and 2020 Summer Learning Journey. I have done Summer Learning Journey before last year I even won a prize. One of my friends (Nevaeh) got a drone. I am looking forward to making different digital designs. I also am wanting to win another prize. 

I think that the topic that we are working on for the Summer Learning Journey this year is changemakers. So that means that we will be blogging about people who have to change the world. There are 4 weeks of Summer Learning Journey. I think that the week I will in enjoy will be Arts and Entertainment. 

I think that the Summer Learning Journey is a great program for kids and I will be doing it. I know I will enjoy this because it is really fun. I hope you liked this blog post here is the slide show of the Summer Learning Journey. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

Persuasive Writing - Statement!

Persuasive Writing - Statement! 

Hi, guys today I and going to be telling you about what we have been doing with Mrs Allan Fletcher. So for the past 3 weeks, we have been working on persuasive writing. We had 5 topics to chose out of I choose lunch should not be provided in schools. I have made up a smart solution to this problem. If you want to find out keep reading. Here are the five topics we got to choose out of and also here is my statement! 

"I believe that schools should not provide lunch for all students. The reason I disagree that food should be provided because it’s too much money for schools to provide lunch. Their parents should provide lunches for the kids. Another reason is that they can make there own lunches."   

Monday, November 4, 2019

I Am Malala Part 2

Hi, guys how are you? Today I will be updating you on what has been happening in I am Malala. I have some information about I am Malala in the slide show. I think that Malala is a very inspiring person. Did you know that Malala is the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize winner? Thank you all for reading here is the slide show I have made. 


Thursday, October 31, 2019

My Amazing Pizza - Food Tech

Hi, guys this blog post I am doing something a little different. So in food tech, we are making two types of pizzas and finding the differences of the pizzas. Each pizza had the same toppings on it and one day we did one pizza and the other day wi the other pizza. We have food tech every Wednesday and Thursday on period 5. On Wednesday we made slices for each person on Thursday we made a whole pizza for our team. In our team, there are four people, there is Meleana, Nevaeh, Shreya and I. We are the vegetarian group. Most of the people in our group don't eat meat so we have to be vegetarians. 

Wednesdays Pizza  
Toppings - Onions, Capsicum, Tomatoes, Pineapples, Sause and Cheese
Image result for pizza

Pizza Base - We in slices. I don't remember the name of the base!

Herbs - Oregano 

Seasoning - Rock Salt and Pepper  

Conclusion - I think that the pizza that we made was really good. The base was hard for me but that's my opinion! I think that we should be faster next time in the kitchen. 


Thursdays Pizza  
Toppings - Onions, Capsicum Tomatoes, Pineapples, Sause and Cheese

Image result for pizzaPizza Base -  It was a whole pizza. I don't remember the name of the base!

Herbs - Oregano 

Seasoning - Rock Salt and Pepper  

Conclusion - I think that the pizza that we made was better than the other pizza that we made on Wednesday because it was softer and it had more cheese. I think on Thursday we were faster and it was easy to work in the kitchen. 

Thank you for reading have a great day. BYE! 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Final Product!!!

Final Product! 😁
Related image

Hi, guys, today will be showing how I made an app. So I made an app in Digital Tech about a social issue called bullying and peer pressure. I used a website where I got to learn how to code and design my own app. Its called App Lab. I wanted to make an app because I want to code and also wanted to make a quiz that gives you advice at the end of the quiz so you know what to do if you are getting bullied or under peer pressure. I think that the problem that I have decided to use is very interesting. We got to choose with we wanted to make a game with Game Fruit or also use a Sphero to make a maze. Sphero is an app where you can program a robot. There was also Scratch that was an option.

Image result for spheroImage result for gamefrootRelated image

As you may know, my issue is Bullying and Peer Pressure. I chose this issue because I think that it is a big issue and it usually happens to kids all around the world. When I was making my app there were different things that went wrong but I think working by myself is easer then working in a team cause you can make everything by your self also you don't have to ask permission to do anything from your team. One of my strength is that I can do my work in the time I am given and blog it and also I am fast at coding. One of the things that worked out well was that it was easy to use App Lab. I totally suggest using App Lab to make an app. Something I would change next time is to challenge myself and do a different issue. What do you think?  

The first thing we did what we explored website or app I used App Lab. After exploring App Lab I started making my app I start with only five pages and all we designed and not coded. So I looked through about 5 videos that I found on youtube and found out how to use code. Now I have done all of my coding and designing. I have finished my app.  If you what to use app lab and you don't know how to have a look at the video at the bottom of the post.  Here is my app: 

Monday, October 21, 2019

A New Book!

Image result for i am malala
Namaste, today I will be blogging about a novel that a group of students are reading in tz. Every person in tz is reading a novel that the teacher has given us. My friend and I got a book that I have been wanting to read you a while. You may have heard of this book, it is “I Am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai with Patricia Mccormick.

Image result for i am malala quotes
This book is how a man that says that girls can’t go to school and go out of there homes and not go shopping, the Taliban took over her region. On the 9th of October 2012, Malala was shot in the head. No one expected her to survive. But after a long time in a hospital, she is now fighting for the right for girls like her. She even won the Nobel Peace Prize. In Malala’s family, her dad and mum ran an only girls school. She has two brothers. Would you like to read I Am Malala why or why not?

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What do you know about Indian Elephant?

What do you know about Indian Elephant? 
Image result for indian elephant food habitsHi, guys so today I will be telling some interesting facts about Indian Elephant. I have made a poster of an Indian Elephant. Did you know that and Indian Elephant ears are shaped as India and so are African Elephants? Here is my poster and if you know some facts about Indian Elephants or another animal comment this. Also Indian Elephants scientific name is Elephas maximus indicus.

Friday, September 13, 2019

What are Scratch and Sphero?

What are Scratch and Sphero? 
Hi, guys today we did technology, so in technology, we had to answer a series of questions about what is scratch and sphero is and how you use these apps. 

Image result for scratchThis app is an app where you can make games and app. This app is good for people who are beginners in coding and I am a beginner in coding. I feel like this game will help me because I am working on peer pressure and bullying. I could make a game about 5 things to do to stop bullying. Have you used scratch before?

Image result for sphero
This app is an app where you can program a robot. This app is useful because it helps me get a better understanding of coding. I think that this app will help me with my topic by teaching me how to use code. If you ever get a chance to use it give it a go. You will enjoy it. Have you used sphero before?

Thursday, September 12, 2019

P.E Week 3

P.E Week 3 

Last week on Thursday we had to do some maths. I was with Kya and Elisha Mae. We had to solve a series of questions that we based on one topic. The topic was about painting a football field, our group was all confused about what to do but in the end, we got an answer. 

For P.E we good to play bench ball on Monday. Do you know what bench ball is? Before we played bench ball we did warm-ups and drills. The warmups we did were 40-star jumps, 20 high knees, 10 laps of the court. The drills were Sneak Up Granny. 

 Bench Ball is sort of like netball but it is a little different. So you should first have two even teams to play against. So after that get two benches and put them on the sides of your court. The put a netball in the centre of your court. So hopefully your court looks like this. 

Now one of your players needs to go on the bench they are your target. Then your team except for the person on the bench will all go to the other side of the court.  Then you have to do paper scissors rock with the other time to see who goes first. Lets we go first we have to pass the ball without stepping (like netball.) When you make it to the side that one of your players is on the bench you have to try passing it to them if they get it you are on the bench to help out and if you didn't the ball would go to the other team. The goal is to get all of your players on the bench.  

When we played today we got to play in our year level. I, of course, played with the year 7s from Tz. We play against 7 Bh. After our team winning we had to play the year 8 from Tz and Bh. That time the year 8s won but was fun we all tried and we all contribute.  

I think I did a great job in contributing, I also think I worked successfully with others. I was tired while play but I keep playing. Hope you guys like this post BYE. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

Creating Our Own Play

Hi, guys for the last few weeks we have been making our own plays. We have worked so hard on this play and we have practised the most out of all of the groups. In my group, I have Shreya, Nevaeh, Elisha Mae and me. Our idea was to make a princess who lost her three valuable crystals and a girl has to decide to keep it or give back to the princess. The thing that we need to work on is expires our emotion.  We have put a lot of information. Here is the video and the script: 

Valuable Crystals

What is it about? 
The theme is good and bad decisions.
This is about a girl called Mabelle who’s struggling what to do with the colourful crystals that she finds on the ground.  

Mabelle finds a box filled with valuable crystals on the ground while strolling to a cottage where she lives in. The devil tells her to sell the valuable crystals for some good money. 
The Angel told Mabelle to return the box to Princess Mabelle had recognised the crystal because Princess Eleanor always went around with a valuable item, and Mabelle had heard whisperings that the valuable item could possibly be crystals. 

Mabelle ended up following Angel’s advice.

Shreya - Devil
Nevaeh - Angel
Risha - Mabelle
Elisha Mae - Narrator
Elisha Mae - Princess Eleanor

Light Blue, Blue and Purple fake crystals 

Germany, Rothenburg St. - Colourful half-timber homes

When: 1600s Mid-day


Narrator: A long, long time ago in the 1600’s Mabelle was walking down the colourful half-timber homes and Heading home to her small cottage. She looks down and sees... 

Mabelle: Ohh what a beautiful blue box I’ve found!
I wonder what’s inside. 

*Mabelle picks up the box and opens it*

Mabelle: Ohhh what pretty colourful crystals I’ve found! But who’s are they?

 *The devil popped out of nowhere*

Devil: Mabelle you should keep the crystal, you can make a fortune with this!

Mabelle: Who are you?!

Devil: Oh hi I’m The Devil 
*Angel pops out of nowhere*

Angel: And Hi, I’m the angel, I’ll help you choose the right decisions.

Mabelle:  Ok then, what do I do with these crystals? 

Angel: Hmm It looks like Princess Eleanor’s. You should give the crystal’s back to her.

Devil: NO! Keep it and make a fortune out of it. You will be so rich!

Narrator: Suddenly Mabelle sees a newspaper on the ground. 

*Mabelle picks up the newspaper*

Mabelle: You guys I found a newspaper!

Angel: What does it say?

Mabelle: It says that “Princess Eleanor has sadly lost her 3 valuable crystals”, it is in a Blue box. She needs it this instance for her 18th birthday. Whoever finds them will get a great award.”  

Devil: NO Keep it! Each crystal costs a lot of euros! If you keep them you won’t have to suffer living in a small cottage.

Mabelle: Yeah, you are right… I should just keep this.

Angel: No! the princess needs it for her 18th birthday! 

Mabelle: Yeah, you’re right too, but I am tired of living in the smallest cottage in the whole entire village!

Devil: You just stole the words right out of my mouth!

Angel: No, no, no, no, NO! Give the crystals back to the Princess, you will win a prize anyways, it could even be Euros!

Mabelle: You are right Angel...but what if it’s not Euros?

Devil: That’s exactly my point! 

*Everyone came out of the stage except for Mabelle*

Narrator: Later in the evening…

Narrator: Mabelle thinks to herself… what should she do? She was under pressure. She looks at the crystals meaningfully and wonders if she should give them back or not.

*The angel pops up again out of nowhere*

Angel: Hi again have you decided yet? I suggest give the crystal back to the princess. 

Mabelle: I think I will give it back to the princess it is hers  

*Devil pops up again out of nowhere*

Devil: Have you made your final decision to keep the crystal and live in a big castle?

Mabelle: No! I’m not keeping the crystal and I’ll follow the angel’s advice. I’ll return it to Princess Eleanor.

Devil: But WHY?!

Angel: Because It’s the right thing to do.  

Mabelle: Yeah, the angel is right.

Devil: Hm! *Crossed arms* I will get you back Angel!

*The Devil walks out of the scene*

Narrator: The Angel and Mabelle go to the ‘Castle’ to return the crystals.

*walk towards Elisha Mae and knock on the imaginary door*

Mabelle: Hello Princess Eleanor

Princess: Hello, how may I help you?

Mabelle: I came here to give you back the crystals that you lost I found them on the street back there

Princess: Oh my, thank you so much!

*Mabelle handed the box to the princess*

Mabelle: you're welcome It’s time for me to go. 

*Mabelle and the angel about to go when*

Princess: wait! You got these 3 crystals for my 18th birthday, You are invited to my 18th birthday and also you get 10,000 Euros for your honesty Mabelle.

Mabelle: 10,000 euros?! Thank you! That means so much to me 

*Everyone comes to the front, hold hands and bows at the same time*