
Thursday, September 12, 2019

P.E Week 3

P.E Week 3 

Last week on Thursday we had to do some maths. I was with Kya and Elisha Mae. We had to solve a series of questions that we based on one topic. The topic was about painting a football field, our group was all confused about what to do but in the end, we got an answer. 

For P.E we good to play bench ball on Monday. Do you know what bench ball is? Before we played bench ball we did warm-ups and drills. The warmups we did were 40-star jumps, 20 high knees, 10 laps of the court. The drills were Sneak Up Granny. 

 Bench Ball is sort of like netball but it is a little different. So you should first have two even teams to play against. So after that get two benches and put them on the sides of your court. The put a netball in the centre of your court. So hopefully your court looks like this. 

Now one of your players needs to go on the bench they are your target. Then your team except for the person on the bench will all go to the other side of the court.  Then you have to do paper scissors rock with the other time to see who goes first. Lets we go first we have to pass the ball without stepping (like netball.) When you make it to the side that one of your players is on the bench you have to try passing it to them if they get it you are on the bench to help out and if you didn't the ball would go to the other team. The goal is to get all of your players on the bench.  

When we played today we got to play in our year level. I, of course, played with the year 7s from Tz. We play against 7 Bh. After our team winning we had to play the year 8 from Tz and Bh. That time the year 8s won but was fun we all tried and we all contribute.  

I think I did a great job in contributing, I also think I worked successfully with others. I was tired while play but I keep playing. Hope you guys like this post BYE. 

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