
Sunday, October 14, 2018


W.A.L.T Finding Evidence And Putting It In My Own Words. 
Hi again, I have almost finished my debate but here it is. I just need to do my rebuttal. I have done lots of work and I am very proud of how much I have done. This was very fun because I could find of evidence about The Amazing Body. Please tell me If there is any mistakes in my debate. If you know any thing about the rebuttal and have any ideas comment down below what I should do. Do you think it is strong. I will be seeing all your feedback and replaying to them. Hope you Like it BYE!!!

Did you know that all your bones work in your body to help you move? That is why I think that the most necessary system in your body is the skeletal system.

Firstly, the skeletal system is a dominant system because without it you would not have a frame for your body. Without a frame you would look like a lump of clay and organs. Your skeletal system holds you body up right. If you were a puddle your heart would not be able to pump because it would have no room. Also it would be covered up by your lungs, blood and skin. But when you have a rib cage your heart has room to pump. Your rib cage is a part of your skeletal system.   

Also the skeletal system protects you organ. If you did have a skeletal system even a little bump can injure your organs. Your heart and your lungs are protected by the rib cage. Your rib cage is designed to protect your organs. If you didn’t have a heart you would not be able to pump blood around you body. Your lungs are how you breathe. Without your lungs you couldn’t breathe. That means you wouldn’t be alive. Also your skull carries your brain and it protects it. What would happen if you didn’t have a brain?  Without it how would you get your brain holds important information and tells you body what to do.

Your teeth are a part of your skeletal system so, if you didn’t have a skeletal system it would be hard to chew? If you didn’t chew how would you get protein in your body. Your body needs protein so you can have strong muscles and bones.  Also your if your bones don’t get protein they will not be able to make red blood cells. Your red blood cells are a part of you blood and are important.

Some people might think that the skeletal system isn’t as necessary as the other systems, however, because of evidence that I have showed you today people will now know that the most necessary system is the skeletal system.  

P5: Rebuttal
The ______ system does not ____. This shows its weaknesses because…

This evidence shows that the most necessary system in your body is the skeletal system because it is a protection for you body. We should make sure that we look after our skeletal system by drinking milk for your bones to  get strong.

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