
Monday, August 20, 2018

I Have Made A Writing Description About My Charterer

Writing Description About My Charterer

Hi guys, today I am now posting a writing description about my charterer "Suhunea" that I have created.  

For the past two terms we have been working on our fantasy worlds and making our charterer. We had to do three paragraphs and more. I have talked about The habitat, How she looks, Ablates and Concoction. Hope you like my writing. 

Description About Suhunea's

Suhunea is an magical, mythical creature that lives on a island and is a girl that can fly.
Suhanea's live in a island with a huge mountain in the middle. The mountains help by keeping the island alive and that is where you have to get the food, water and other materials. On the mountain there is four waterfalls and a colourfully forest so the creatures can camouflage into the forest. The waterfall provides water. It also has a lake to heal the creatures that are hurt.   
Suhunea has a small face to mix in to other thing on the planet. Also have a small mouth, nose, big eyes to see better with black eyes and have elf ears to listen easier. On their foreheads they have coloured hole so they can have another space to breath because they need to breathe in more air than us humans. Also they are coloured to you can tell what they like.

The Suhanea's have a human size body. They have arm to pick up things, to swag around and also to climb things. They have two normal human size legs to run, walk, climb and other things.
When I created this character I was happy to see that I have done so much to make it sound like it is a fantasy creature. Over all I think I did very good I hope you liked that you had the experience to read about my creature.

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