
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Our New Hurumanu (P.E)

P.E (New Hurumanu) 

Hi, guys today I will share our new hurumanu. I am so excited that we started this new hurumanu. This week on a Monday we were introduced to P.E with Miss Birtch and Miss Simpson. On Monday we did a Fitness test. Before we did that we were put into groups and then we had to choose a name we chose stars. In the fitness test, we had four stations. The first station we went to we flexibility, then Vertical Jump, Situps, Grip test and we didn't get time to do the beep test so we did it on Thursday. For the situps, I got 17 in 30 seconds. For the Grip test, I got 6. Sadly I don't know the other fitness test results as soon as I get them I will post it on this blog. 

Image result for p.eI think I work successfully with others because I help them when they don't know what to do. I cheer on people who are trying and doing there best.    

On Thursday we did the beep test. Before we did that we had to choose in our groups a sport that we could play. Our group chose volleyball. The beep test is when you have to run to one side of the court to the other side there are different levels. It goes up to level 10. The teachers said if you are fit for your age. We have to be past level 5 if we are fit for our age.  I got level 4.4 I think I have to work on my running because I am not a fast runner. 

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