
Monday, June 21, 2021

Imploding Can

Hi, guys today I will be sharing what we were doing in science. It is about learning about air pressure and particles. This was a very interesting experiment because instead of seeing something explode we saw something implode. 

Implode meaning collapse or cause to collapse violently inwards.


- Tripod 

- Bunsen Burner

- Heat Mat

-  Gauze Mat 

-  Soda Can 

- Scissor Tongs 


1. Step one is to fill the soda can with 10 to 15 ml of water. 

2. The second step is to set up your experiment. Using this equipment tripod, bunsen burner, heat mat, gauze mat and a soda can. So we are heating the soda can. Set up your bunsen burner and put the soda with the water on top. 

3. Step three is to use the scissor tongs to lift the ho soda can and put it in water.  


So at the end of the experiment, the can be imploded when it was hot enough. When the water was hot enough we put it directly under the flames to make it boil. 


The first time we did the experiment it failed because we didn't dip the water with the opening first. When we boiled the water we also had hot gas in the can. When we put the gas into cold water the pressure lowered. 

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