
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Government & Politics

Hey, guys today I will be sharing what I have been doing in social studies with Mr Carter. We are learning about the polities and the government. We had to pick a world leader for example Jacinda Ardern or Nelson Mandela two very powerful to research and make a biography, timeline and a political poster about them. I chose Rosa Parks because I found her very interesting and she was a huge movement in civil rights. We are working on making our own political parties at school this term so be prepared for a lot of political stuff. For these presentations, I use piktochart because I very rarely use websites to present my work. 

What is a leader?
Google - A person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country. 

My Opinion - I think a leader is understanding and listening to your people when making decisions. A leader should be humble, understanding, confident and have integrity. What is your opinion on being a good leader?

Poster & Biography   
Double Click to Read

Timeline & Her Story 
I have made a timeline about Rosa Park's life and how she protested for her rights. This timeline starts when she is born in 1913 to when she passed away in 2005. Fun fact, she was nineteen years old when she got married. 

Political Poster - VOTE FOR ROSA PARKS
Imagine if Rosa Parks decided to run for president of the United States of America. This would be her Political Poster to tell people to vote for her. I went for the same themes as my timeline and biography. Personally, I think Rosa Parks is an important part of our history and shows courage when refusing to give her seat. This has changed the history of America by giving them freedom.

Seven Types Of Government 
After doing that task we were assigned another task which was talking about the seven types of governments. Our teacher gave us seven more to learn and make a presentation to show our learning. They are Democracy, Dictatorship, Monarchy, Communism, Totalitarianism, Oligarchy and Anarchy. We had to talk about what they are, how they work, what countries are under these governments, pros and cons, a person who had to lead the country, for example, Democratic President Barack Obama, and then make a map showing that type of governments around the country world. I did my presentation on a Canva and used My Maps to create the types of government. We are learning about governments because soon we will be forming our own political parties with a leader and will be trying to get people to vote for us. 

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