
Friday, February 26, 2021

9/11 Timeline

Hi, guys today I will be sharing what I have been doing for Hurumanu 2 with Mr Carter. So for Chaos, we have been learning about the 9/11 terrorist attack. We had to make a timeline of how the day went and what events happened when. There were 4 planes that crashed two in the World Trade Centre also known as the Twin Towers, one in the Pentagon and one in Pennsylvania. I used a site called visme, it was hard to use but I got the hang of it in the end. Here is my timeline, hope you enjoy and learn something new! BYE.  

Monday, February 22, 2021

Zombies - 10 RULES

What if there was a zombie apocalypse? What would you do, how would you do it and what 10 rules do you think are important? 

Halo, guys today I will be sharing what I have been doing for Hurumanu 2 with Mr Carter. We have been learning about history and about stuff like a zombie apocalypse. This week we were wondering what would happen if there was a zombie apocalypse and some of the rules to keep safe. 

Well, obviously there hasn't been a zombie apocalypse and I don't believe that there will be one but for hurumanu 2 we have to choose 10 rules from the 34 rules in Zombieland. I think the rules I have chosen are very important and if there is a chance of this happening I know what rules to follow. 


What ten rules would you choose to follow and why?


  1. Cardio

  2. The Double Tap

  3. Beware of Bathrooms

  4. Wear Seat Belts

  5. No Attachments

  6. The “Skillet”

  7. Travel Light

  8. Get a Kick-Ass Partner

  9. With your Bare Hands

  10. Don’t Swing Low

  11. Use Your Foot

  12. Bounty Paper Towels

  13. Shake it Off

  14. Always carry a change of underwear

  15. Bowling Ball

  16. Opportunity Knocks

  17. Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)

  18. Limber Up

  19. Break it Up

  20. It’s a marathon, not a sprint unless it’s a sprint, then sprint

  21. Avoid crowded places

  22. When in doubt Know your way out

  23. Ziplock

  24. Use your thumbs

  25. Shoot First

  26. A little sunscreen never hurt anybody

  27. Incoming!

  28. Double-Knot your Shoes

  29. The Buddy System

  30. Pack your stain stick

  31. Check the back seat
  32. Enjoy the little things

  33. Swiss Army Knife

  34. Fire

Chicken Leg Dissection

  Image result for chicken leg dissection

 Hi, guys today I will be sharing what I have been doing for Hurumanu 4 science. We were dissecting a chicken leg. Here are all the materials and safety tips.  

Materials: A chicken drumstick with thigh, Dissecting probe, scalpel, dissecting scissors, paper towels, forceps, dissecting tray, gloves, disinfectant hand wash and spray.  


Wear gloves 

Do Not put anything in your mouth (finger, pens, etc) during the dissection. 

Wash hands thoroughly at the end of the dissection with antibacterial soap and hot water. Ensure your hands are dried after washing. 

Spray surface with antibacterial soap. 

Three interesting things we did:

Place the chicken leg on a dissecting tray and examine (look at) h exterior features. The tough outer layer is called the epidermis (or skin). The small bumps covering the skin are where the feathers were attached. 

Carefully pull the skin off by sliding it down and off the lower leg. You may need to use your scalpel to remove it, but be careful not to cut any muscle tissue.

Move the bones around the joints. The main joint between the bones of the lower leg and the femur is a hinge joint like the one in your knee.


Bones help us keep our internal organs safe. 

Our muscle helps us move. 

Tendons attach muscle to bones. 

Ligaments attach bones to the bone. 

A femur is the biggest bone in our body and is located in the leg. 

A tibia is a bone in our leg.

A fibula is a shin bone in our leg.   


This dissection was really fun I really enjoyed it. Next time I will try to take some photos of our dissection to post on my blog. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Building Shapes - Maths

Hi, guys today I will be sharing what I have been doing in Hurumanu 3 with Mrs Bueveantura. I was building shapes out of 7 to 8 feet long string with Lhysette, Evelyn and Shreya. We tried to build shapes like squares and triangles but we successfully made a cube, a star and a pyramid. I learnt that with maths you also need to have teamwork to help when you get stuck.

         Our Goal
Pyramid 3D
The first shape we made was a pyramid this took a lot of teamwork and relicense. After a good five minutes, we finally figured out how the shape works and how the shape is placed. They're also a famous landmark called pyramids they are shaped exactly like this shape. This shape took three triangles and one square.    

                                                                                        Our Goal ↑

Cube 3D
The second shape we made was a cube, it took longer than the pyramid but in the end, we perfectly created a cube with all the corners and sides. This took a lot of fingers and remembering how a cube looks. This shape took six squares to a cube.   

                                                                                        Our Goal 
Star 2D
The last shape we were able to make was a star. The star took the longest because of how many fingers it needed and how many sides it needed. I think that we did very well because it was the hardest one to do out of all of the shapes we tried to do. 

Thank you for reading my blog post hope you enjoy and tell me which shape you think we made the best. Where are the pyramids located in the world? BYE!