
Friday, October 27, 2017

!Last Day At Canterbury Swim School!

!Last Day At Canterbury Swim School!

Hi guys, these two whole weeks our class has been going to Canterbury Swim School. This is our last day at Canterbury Swim School. The last day is very import because it is all about being safe in the water and how to save somebody from drowning.  My personally goal is to do two laps of the deep pool without stopping. I did do a lap without stopping. Today I want to complete my goal. For the last day our swimming teacher told us to bring normal clothes with us so they could test out how we swim with are normal clothes. We even needed to bring are swimming suit. So we can put are swimming suit underneath our normal clothes. Our teacher told us to look out for nets, plants, animals and rubbish where ever we go swimming. I was a bit scared when I jumped off the diving board. We had to have are hands on our shoulders crosswise then jump. After that we had to get a noodle and try to save our buddies from drowning. My buddies is Lyan. I saved her first and then she saved me. It was awesome.

!Here are my pictures of Canterbury Swim School! 

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