
Monday, January 29, 2018

My Australian Holiday

 My Australian Holiday

Hi guys, it has been a long time since I have been blogging because of the holidays. Speaking about holidays, my family and I went to Australia. It was are first time going to Australia. We got our citizenship's in November and we went to Australia in December. In Australia we stayed in Brisbane at my cousin's house. Christchurch to Brisbane is 4 hours when flying. We went on the 16th of December, the day after school finished. In Australia we went to two cities Brisbane and Gold Coast. In Brisbane we went to malls and a places called South Bank. SO MUCH WALKING. In Gold Coast we went to the Theme Parks. The Theme Parks that we went to were Wet And Wind, Sea World, and Movie World. It was awesome going to Australia. My favourite part was the Theme Parks. It was so fun seeing how Australians live and comparing it with Christchurch and how we live.            


  1. Hi Risha, it sound like you have had a new adventure these holidays. How long were you in Australia for? I went to Brisbane and the Gold coast a few years ago but never went to any of the theme parks. I would love to go to Sea World. What was your favourite park? What was the temperature like? From the news I have seen that Australia has been really hot. I'm really looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday and hearing more about your holiday!

    1. Hi Miss Mclachlan, thank you for commenting on my blog post. My favourite theme park was Movie World and Wet And Wind. It was so hot, one day it was over 31 degrees. We stayed in Australia for six weeks. It was so fun. I really miss the fun times.

  2. Hi Risha. Great story about your Australia trip.I liked how you compared Australia lifestyle with New Zealand lifestyle.It would be good to proof read your story next time.

    1. Hi mum, thank for giving me advises on my blog about proof reading. I proof read my blog post and it makes more since.


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