
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Kuri facts

This week my group called the Duffy Kids is working on kuri's. If you don't know what is a kuri it is a Maori way of saying dog. We had to make a DLO from the article (kuri). When we did are DLO we could chose these things to make your DLO: Powtoon, Slide Show, Clay or Stop Motion Movie. I chose a slide show. My friend Sophia made a Powtoon.


  1. Hi Risha!, This is Elisha Mae, I visit to your blog and I found this post about "Kuri". I like your blog post about Kuri/dog, I like the way you layout the slide and also I like the way you put some information about Kuri. I learned so much in your post what is Kuri, but next time, you could add more detail about your post and also W.A.L.T. (We are learning to:), but anyway you did a really Good Job Risha.

  2. Hi Risha, when you wrote down I those a slideshow were you meaning I choose a slideshow because you might wanna change it. It was brilliant learning about the Kuri and that Kuri stands for dog. Its a real expereience for me to learn about the kuri. You have done so great with you blog posting. Keep it up.

    1. Hi Bailey, thank you for commenting on my blog. Thank you for showing what I did wrong in my post. I have changed my mistake. I hope its better now. Please have a look at it now.
      Thank You


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