
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Spencer Park

W.A.L.T Write an information report that informs the audience.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when….
  • I use an opening statement that explains the subject of the report.
  • The opening statement is followed by sentences that describe the event; what you saw, what you did, how you felt, what you learnt.
  • Each paragraph focuses on a different aspect of the topic; travelling, the beach, the lagoon walk, playground.
  • A general statement about the topic usually rounds off the report.
Here is my work.

Spencer Park


On Friday 10th of March my class and I went to Spencer park. We travelled by bus and car. We took 2 busses and 5 cars. I sat on the bus. There were 7 teachers. I sat with my friend Mikayla. It was loud on the bus. We went in the morning. I was really excited because it was my first time going to Spencer park. 

First, we went to the Lagoon walk. It was a long walk. We saw horses on the way. On the way we saw a big fluffy dog.  It looked excited to meet us. The dog was leading the way. I thought it was the Dulux dog. Half  way on the lagoon walk I was feeling hungry. When we got to the Lagoon spot we went in a hideout to see some cool birds.  There lots of long and small birds. I saw a white and black bird. There were lots of hideouts by the birds. After that we got a snack. When we went back we found lots of feathers.
After the lagoon walk we went back to the playground 5 minutes to play.  I first went on was the rope climbing wall. It was quite big. I went all the way to the top. People were jumping on it so I just went down. The next thing I played on was the flying fox. There were three flying foxes. I went on all of them. Then I went on the wire. We can walk on it. It was scary because there were people that were moving it. I thought I would of full off. The 5 minutes were over.  
Next, we went to the beach. It was a long walk and sand was in my shoes which I hate! When we got there we took our shoes and socks off  and went to grab some shells. It was hard to find shells.  Some people didn't even get shells they just made big holes. After that we did a sandcastle competition. I worked with Ella, Alla and Pame. We had 2 doors, cool rocks and seaweed. The teacher took a photo.  There were lots of other schools Then we went back to put our shoes and socks on and went back to the playground.  I felt happy because I put my feet in the water and it was cold.

When we went back from the beach we ate at the playground. The other groups came and ate at the playground as well. For lunch I had Chicken nuggets. Mmmmmmmmmmm it was yummy. After eating my lunch we could play on the playground. I played on the flying fox. That was the only thing I played on. It was like I was in the jungle because I came out of the bushes and onto the playground It was the last place at Spencer's Park.

Finally, it was time to leave Spencer Park. When we were all on the bus I sat by Mikayla again. I was tired from going to Spencer Park but I was sad as well because it was really fun. Me and Mikayla were playing with are shells. We also made a song “Shells shells shells.”   I explored lots. I learnt lots at Spencer Park. One thing I learnt  was that you have to be very quiet to see the cool birds.   

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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
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