
Monday, May 3, 2021

Water Boats - Science

Hello, guys today I will be sharing what I have been doing for hurumanu 4 which is science. Today we worked on water boats, this is when we made a container with one A4 piece of paper and filled it up with water over a bunsen burner.   

Aim: Designing a container that can hold water with paper and that doesn't catch on fire. 


1. When designing the container that would hold water, folding the paper into a box makes it strong and thick. 

2. We set up the bunsen burner by putting the heat protection mat on a clear surface, putting the bunsen burner, and finally the tripod that will hold our container. 

3. It was very strong in holding the water but when we put it on the bunsen burner it collapsed in about 15 seconds.  

Safety Tip: Make sure to use glasses and be careful.

Materials: A4 Piece of Paper, Bunsen Burner, Heat Protection Mat, Beaker, Water, Tripod   

Results: It was holding the water when we pour it but when putting it on the bunsen burner it started to burn and only lasted 15 seconds. 

Conclusion: I think personally we could have made the base stronger and steadier because it collapsed in 15 seconds and recorded it all. Hope you enjoy reading my blog post, BYE.

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