
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Drawing In Pairs - Health

Olá, guys in health we have been working on our interpersonal skills, which are active listening, verbal communication, non-verbal communication (body language and gestures), Manaakitanga (being inclusive), and negotiation or compromise. We were working on our verbal communication, active listening and non-verbal communication today. Our task was to work in pairs you have to describe an image without showing it to them. This meant a lot of hand gestures and a lot of hand movement to paint a picture in your partner's mind. My partner and I did two each, my images that I had to describe was a motivational sentence saying "You Can, end of story" and my other image was a palace with a fountain in front of it. Here are some of the questions we had to review on.

  • What IP (Interpersonal) skill did you show/use today? Did you use any warm fuzzies?
I showed Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication and Active Listening. I think we were warm fuzzies because we did well and tried even though we don't know how to draw.

What are Warm Fuzzies and Cold Pricklies? This is to do with P.E but used in health as well.

  • How did it help with the success/lack of success, of the activity?
The first one was very easy because I could spell out the words but the second one was hard to describe because it was very complicated. I think we were very successful in describing it but not so good a drawing it. My partner had complicated images one was a camping site and the other was a waterfall. We both used our interpersonal skills and without them, this activity would be difficult to do.

  • Who did you work with that went well today? 
Today I worked well with Shreya. An example of when we worked well together was when she was describing her images to me she was using hand gestures and painting a picture in my mind she also listened well when I was describing my image.

  • If you were to do it again, how would you do it differently?

If I got to do the activity again, I would change how I describe the image because it was hard for my partner to understand and I would use harder images to challenge myself.

  • What level of Helisons behaviour model were you working at in this activity? Provide examples of this:

I worked at level three of Hellison's Behaviour Model. An example of what I did to show that was I set goals for myself which were to try to describe the image so my partner could understand and to try my best at understanding her image.

The Helisons Behaviour Model is based around P.E but used in health as well. It is to show what level you are working on in class and what you want to succeed in.

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed my blog post. What language did I use to greet you? Here are my drawings. Please remember they are unclear and messy.

Camp Site


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