
Monday, May 18, 2020

Writing - Running

Writing - Running 

Hi, guys today I will be sharing with you some writing I have been doing at home while I and my family was in the lockdown. I have worked really hard on my writing and I want some feedback. I haven't finished but I thought of this to be a good time to post this piece of writing. It is about how a girl is wanting to know about her dad and her past. Here is my writing hope you like it. 

There I was running for my life praying to God that I wouldn't get caught. Getting chased was not my plan as I escape into a small hidden alleyway. I hide near a bin panting with a sigh of relief. Then someone grabbed my shoulder tightly then pulls me back.   

Waking up to the crisp fresh breeze of summer, I slipped into my study ready for a productive day inside. Researching an interview essay for a class was enjoyable. Checking my emails, I see an email from Find Your Families Past. For many year's I have been trying to find my papa. I have tried so many websites that this was the last website I could trust. It failed there was no match. I was heartbroken, I knew from the start it would be challenging, I never lost faith until now.

I was still researching for my essay but was almost there. It was 6:00 at night I heard voice's in the kitchen, knowing that my brother Javier was home, I rushed down the small hallway of our three-bedroom house and tumble down the stairs to the bottom. Pasting the lounge I make my way into the kitchen where mama and el hermano (meaning brother in Spanish) was waiting for me, it was dinner time. Giving my brother an enormous hug warmed my heart like summer. Mama interrupted our moment and said, "Dinner's ready I made your favourite meal, Gazpacho." (Meaning a cold soup with tomatoes) I sat down at the table instantly with a spoon in my hand.

After all of us sat down and were eating mama asks intriguingly "Mi Amor, how did the site go." I tell her it didn't go well there was no match sadly. (Mi Amor meaning My Love) Seconds after I see mama sneer like she wanted that to happen. Then suddenly el hermano asks mama annoyingly "How do you not have any photos of papa?" Mama replied with a smile saying "Your papa was not into photos he hated them." Firstly, I know when she is lying, she always grips her hands secondly, she was lying she had a panicked look on her face. Which confused me even more, I mean why lie about a small question; why did she smirk? Thinking in my mind and believing that she must have one photo of papa, I plan that night to search her room.

After eating that heavenly meal and end up cleaning all the dishes I wait until midnight. It was time I stealthfully make my way into the bedroom, trying not to wake her up I gently crawl to the closet door, as my knee's graze on the hard carpet floor. I open the closet door softly making a slight creak. Then digging my way into the thousands of clothes piled on each other; I see a copper box on the edge of the closet top shelf. Curious enough, I let go of all the clothes climbed on me and I leap to grab the box. Suddenly almost tipping over I manage to hold on to the shelf in seconds, so I only made a small thud. Sighing and closing my eyes with happiness, I grab the box and carefully make my way out. Hiding the box under my shirt and running down the hallway making into my room I shut the down quietly trying not to make a sound.  

Safely tucked into my warm bed I open the box, I was surprised with amazement, I couldn't believe my eyes. Thinking is that really, a photo of papa. Holding it up and seeing his face was like looking at Javier. I could tell that I had his eyes, mouth and smile. Slowly tilting my head I see more photo's of papa in the box; one photo got me. Papa was holding a baby and beside him was a toddler; looking closely I saw el hermano's face, it was Javier. I know that it wasn't me, I was born here in California. So who was it? As I turn the photo there was an address Paseo de los tristes, Granada. Knowing that place from my mama stories I search up the street, then find out it was just a bunch of malls and companies that run there. Something caught my attention from the corner of my eye, it was an adoption agency at the very end of the street hidden. Confused enough I put the box under my bed and fall off to sleep!  

Waking up I suddenly hear someone cry, hopping out of bed and running across the hallway I see Javier looking for something. Closing my eyes wishing that they haven't found out about the box, I say "what happened." Javier says in a sad voice "Mama has lost her abuela's favourite earrings, that she had given before she died."(Meaning Grandma in Spanish) Sobbing on the ground I go to hug mama and step on something. In pain, I fall on the bed and see that I stepped on Abuela's earring. Grinning Javier goes to grab the earrings and give them to mama. Mama hugs me joyfully as I hug her back I see from the corner from my room across the hallway I can see the box pocking out from under the bed. Now I have another problem, finding a safe place to hide the box. Thinking of a place in my head I go for breakfast. 

After having Cheerios cereal for breakfast I race into my room to hide the box before someone finds out. As soon as I get the box I run to my closet and put it on the top shelf at the very back. As I do I see that a photo fell, when I go to pick it up I see that it says "Vivian my baby girl born 1991 May 7, love her more than we ever would. Isla Velez." For a moment I stopped, being angry didn't help but being confused was no help either. Thinking I may have another sister was unimaginable. 

Then I went running to Javier I showed him everything and everyone in the photos. He was more confused than me, Javier heads to the kitchen where Mama was cooking without saying a word. Understanding him very well I pull him back and hold his hand tightly grasped. He lets go with no care and walk his way angrily to Mama. Javier asks mama in an unpleasant voice " What is this? Why did you tell us that we may have a sister and where did she go?" Trembling to the ground mama starts crying and says "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I should have told you" wiping her tears to the side of the face. As tears fill in me and Javier's eyes I say "Don't ever be sorry for something you haven't done." I pick her up and walk her to the lounge where we sat down and told us everything.   

Mama started "It was 1991 May 6th, a day before your Hermana was born, I was about to give birth at the hospital. Your papa was by my side with everything. Anyway, it was 12.57 pm I had an immediate Sea Session that took some time, about 1.14 am I had a beautiful girl in my arms." (Hermana Meaning Sister In Spanish) "The story sounds like it's going great," Javier said as I nodded. Mama continued "I know you may think that but your papa and I were expecting a boy when the doctor said it was a girl your papa said with angry we don't want the baby it's a girl who wants that. My face went blank I convinced him to take this conversation home." I say to Mama "At least I know where Javier's angry comes from." We laughed as Javier said it wasn't funny. 

Mama said "Settle down I want to continue the story. Taking the conversation home was not a good idea the baby cried and cried making papa angry. He said either go or leave her, my heart was shattered I didn't want to do it but I had no choice. I didn't have a job or a degree if I raised her by myself we would be on the streets. I held her for two months then one night I put her in a box and left her in front of an adoption agency. Saying when she was born, her name Vivian and a note saying love her more than we ever would Isla." As I finished her last word Velez a tear rolled down my left cheek, me and Javier we both speechless as she continues.

"One year later we had Javier he was so happy as my heart had a big hole never to be filled. Four years later I found out I was having a girl, at first, I was so happy then I know that there was no way I could keep her, I was not letting that happen. The next day I told my best friend she had big news too, she was moving to America. I was happy for her but I wanted to go to. Secretly we planned for months, I had a work visa for and so did Javier and the five-month baby in my tummy. We were leaving at night your papa was not a light sleeper. Making my way to the airport I see a man like your papa, it was him but he was looking in a different direction. Seconds past and I see a young woman jump into his arms and kiss him happily. She off him and they walked hand in hand out of the airport." 

As mama stopped for a moment I started thinking in my head why did mama not say anything or even go up to him "I didn't go up to him I was shooked but my best friend stayed by my side and helped me. I did cry, but that was nothing compared to when I lost Vivian. I had to remind myself, that I was doing this for my baby girl, I said to myself, I'm not losing anyone else. Four months later I had a baby girl, here is sitting safely with me." As Mama hugged me and Javier we say "Our papa was never safe, we understand now and we love for doing what you have done for us." Mama smiled then I said where is your best friend? Mama says that is had left for France Paris and we talk sometimes. That storytime took two hours, so we all were hungry so we had an early lunch. 

After lunch, I talked with Javier and we discussed how it would be to have an older Hermana! We talked about having a papa, how we would have lived in Spain and most importantly is papa still alive? Javier was more interested in thinking about papa that he forgot about having an old sister that may be alive. What a name Vivian, I wonder where mama got the name from. At the same time, mama came into the room she said: "I forgot to tell you how I and your papa met." As soon as Javier and I said yes of course mama started the story of her love life. "It was the year of 1985 I was working at my favourite Mexican restaurant near my house, then that night there he was, your papa dress to impress, he had no on with him I was his waiter. He chose a table in the very corner, you papa favourite meal was Enchiladas so he ordered just that. Your papa name was Antonio Martínez but we called him Mr Martinez as I gave him his meal your papa ate it with happiness." 

Mama stopped for a moment I could tell she still had feelings and wasn't over him after he cheated on her, I did feel sorry. Mama continued with a smile "after that he came every week on Friday for the same meal and the same waiter. One day he asked me to sit with him and talk, we talked for hours laughed, cry and smiled. From that day on we hanged out not just on Fridays, every day! Two years later we got married!" As mama said those last words she smiled. I was amazed at there story but on the thing was still ticking in my head where did mama get the name Vivian from so I asked her. "Mama where did you get the name Vivian from?" She gave me her hand and said: "Your older Hermana's name came from the doctor who delivered her, her name we Viviane Mario so I just changed it a little bit." My head was exploding with information about my family. 

That morning I had plans to meet up with one of my best friends, Alex Bennett. We have been friends for more than nine years and knows all about how I wanted to find my dad. He and I met in Middle School doing a project together about the solar system and slowly we became best friends. I haven't told him about my older sister but when I did he was speechless. He didn't even get a chance to drink his coffee when it was warm.   

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