
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Stop Bullying - Digital Tech

Stop Bullying - Digital Tech

So this week we started our new hurumaru it is a digital tech. We get to make an app about a social, environmental or ethical issue. I chose to do a social, I did bullying and peer pressure. I want to make an app about how you know if you are getting bullying or under peer pressure. I made a slide show about how my app works but I haven't finished it. I will blog about it in a different post. 

Image result for digital technology

But anyways in tech, we have to back up our issue with evidence. We had to go to different websites and different video's to get information about our topic. Then on a doc, we had to write a piece of information from every website or video. I have put a lot of information in this so that is why today I will share all of my hard work. Evidence! I have linked all the website that I used on the document.   

I think that I packed a bunch of information in my document. I hope you can find some information that you didn't know about Bullying and Peer Pressure. If you have any more ideas for my app comment them on this blog post. What would you do if you were getting bullied or are under peer pressure? 



  1. Mālō e lelei Risha,
    I like the way you linked the doc your working on and even a picture to have a better understanding. I also like the way you said you wanna make an app of how to know If you are getting bullied or peer pressure. Maybe next time, you could reread your post and check If your 'I's' are in a capital letters. Thanks again for sharing us what you've done in Digital Tech so far. My question for you is what app are you gonna use to make this? Keep up the good work Risha! Have a great day!

  2. Hey Risha!

    I really like the idea of your app! Peer pressure and bullying are serious and very real. Next time you could re-read and see if some parts make sense. If I were under peer pressure or getting bullied I would tell someone about it. What would you do if you were under peer presure or getting bullied?

  3. Hi Risha,
    I like how you added a link of your work it is a really smart idea so people can see what you have been working on in our hurumanu. Maybe next time you could write what your next steps are. My question is why are you doing this? Great job.



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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.