
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Weather and Climate Change

Weather and Climate Change 

Aim: To measure wind speed by using an anemometer. 

Measuring weather.


Wind Speed
SpinsIndicatorsTerms Used in NWS Forecasts
00-20Calm; smoke rises vertically.Calm
12-510Shown by the direction of wind smoke drift, but not by wind vanes.Light
26-1240The wind felt on face, leaves rustle; ordinary vanes moved by wind.Light
313-2080 Leaves and small twigs in constant motion; wind extends light flag.Gentle
421-29130Raises dust and lose paper; small branches are moved.Moderate
530-39190Small trees in leaf begin to sway; crested wavelets form on inland waters.Fresh
640-50250Large branches in motion; whistling heard in telephone wires; umbrellas used with difficulty.Strong
751-61320Whole trees in motion; inconvenience felt walking against the wind.Strong
862-74390Breaks twigs off trees; generally impedes progress.Gale
975-87470Slight structural damage.Gale
1088-101550Seldom experienced inland; trees uprooted; considerable structural damage occurs.Whole gale
11102-116640Very rarely experienced inland; accompanied by widespread damage.Whole gale
12117 or more730+Very rarely experienced; accompanied by widespread damage.Hurricane

Wind speed - Making an anemometer.


  1. Straws x4 
  2. Cups x4
  3. Pin
  4. Pencil x1 
  5.  Tape




  1.  Step one is to get your cups and poke a hole on the top side of your cup and make it go through on each cup. 
  2.  Then get your four straws to take two and connect it together then tape it after doing that do that with the other two.
  3. After taping each straw together and make a plus. 
  4. Then get you to pin and pin it in the middle of the plus.
  5. Then stick the straws where you poke the hole on the cups.
  6. The last step is to tape the pencil to the middle of the plus/cross.  It will hopefully look like this.

Once you have made an anemometer we are going to record the wind speed.

Group size: 5

You will need:

Anemometer (above) 


  • Timekeeper - Risha
  • Counter -  Rarotonga
  • Recorder -  Sahara
  • Anemometer Manager -  Neveah  
  • Wind generator - Heat pump, Human breath slowly, Outside, Human breath Fastly  
  1. Mount the anemometer in a place that has full access to the wind from all directions.
  2. When the timekeeper says "Go", the counter in each group will count how many times the marked cup passes them in one minute and write it down.
  3. If possible, repeat the above step four (4) times and record the average number of spins on the chart.


  • Record how many times it spins using the table below.
You will need to create the wind yourself by blowing. Get 4 different wind speeds by blowing.

You will need to time them and count the number of spins.

Time IntervalNumber of Spins
1.10secHeat pump -  5
2.10secHuman breathe slowly - 3 
3.10secHuman breathe Fastly  - 7  
4.10secOutside - 3 
  • Can you make a statement connecting the number of spins of your anemometer and the speed of the wind? 


I really like this experiment this was very fun and educational. Next time I wish we could make it out of the real material's. I would like outside to have more wind but it is ok. Hope you like this experiment try it at home. It is super easy. 

Hurumanu - Recycling

Hurumanu - Recycling

Aim: To learn practical ways of recycling so that we can make our world a better place.

What has human activity done to our planet?

Has created unilateral greenhouse gases. Which is bad for our future generation. 

What is Zero Waste?
One of the quickest and cheapest ways a community can immediately reduce climate impact. 
What stuff has a carbon footprint?
The product that has been built with plastic-like Bottles, toothbrush, breakfast, phone and much more.  

What are 4 easy things to help our planet?

  1.  Reduce  
  2.  Redesign
  3.  Reuse
  4.  Repair

What do we need to recycle?
  1. Repairing Products
  2. Sharing Products
  3. Recycle Products

What does recycling do to our planet?
Recycling releases co2 Emissions.  

How much of our rubbish is made up of food scraps?
Grass clipping 
Leaves and branches 
50% - compostable materials. 

What does methane gas do to our planet?

It is bad and it traps sunlight. It is 84x worst then carbon dioxide. 

What does soil due to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
Cause carbon dioxide pulls down from the atmosphere.

What do using zero waste practices do to our planet?

To lower co2 emissions to compost.  

    What is a carbon footprint?

    What is your Carbon Footprint?

    Based on the questionnaire what is your:

    1. Ecological Footprint
    2. Carbon Footprint

    How many planets did you have? 

    What is your personal Earth overshoot day?


    Image result for rates of decomposition

    • Choose 6 items from the list.
    • Investigate them using Google.
    • Answer the 4 questions below.

    Name: Coke Bottle 
    1. How long does this resource take to decompose? 200-400 years
    2. What resource/fossil fuel are they made from? Aluminium
    3. How does making this object contribute to climate change? They use lots of electricity to create the cans and the soda creates a lot of carbon dioxide.
    4. How is this resource recycled? The consumer throws aluminium cans a recycle bin. Then it goes through a re-melt process and turns into molten aluminium, this removes the coatings and inks that may be present on the aluminium. The aluminium is then made into large blocks called ingots.

    Thursday, July 25, 2019

    Clean our Nation

    Clean our Nation 
    Hi guys, today I will be sharing my writing from art. In art, we are making a stop-motion in groups. We called our stop-motion "Clean our Nation." We did that as our story because are seeing the problem with rubbish so we thought we could inspire people with a stop-motion. With that, we had to write a piece of writing about our stop-motion. ours it about four boys who clean a lake. We call this piece of writing narrative writing. Here is my writing. 

    Clean our Nation 
    In Wanaka, it was a was the start of spring and the sun was shining. The sky was blue the birds we tweeting and it was a beautiful morning. A boy called Mathew was riding his bike. As he was riding his bike down the road he saw a lake he decided to go down there. He saw a green lake that had rubbish in it. He was worried about the lake but surprisingly he just keeps riding his bike. Before he took off he quickly took a photo. Mathew says, “Eww that was is disgusting.”

    When he got home he told his mum all about the green lake. “MUM… I'm HOME” as he tosses his helmet on the ground. 
    “Oh good,  just time for some breakfast”  replies mum. 
    “Mum you know the lake out by that huge tree?” Says Mathew. 
     Mum replies “YA why?”
    “Well, it’s filled with rubbish and it’s green,” Mathew says sadly.   
     “WHAT how? You should do something about that” Mum says
    “I am, I will go text all my friends after breakfast and ask if they are free tomorrow,” Mathew says proudly. 
    “Well that great, now come on let's go have breakfast.”

    After Mathew texted all his friends including some he didn’t like that much but were his friend and said “do you want to help me clean a lake” then he sent the photo that he took. Mostly all of them said “I have to do my chores or I have to go shopping with my mum or have to clean the house” and one even said, “I broke my toes.” Anyway, only three friends officered to help. They were all his best friends. Their names were Josh, Ethan and David.

    Image result for lakeThe next morning Josh, Ethan and David were at Mathews house while Mathew was finding some gear like nets, bags, gloves and gumboots.  Mathew says “ Ok here is the gear, we will be there all day.” As they went they cleaned on the way to the lake. It was hard work but they did at the end sometimes people would join them and pick up rubbish but not most of the times. 

    After cleaning the lake till 9:00 pm. They promised to come every week to see how the lake looks. Every week they had to clean the lake. Even on rainy days and on really really hot days. One day the towns Mayor came and saw the lake and gave all four boys a medal for there hard work. The boys asked the Mayor about making a small company about cleaning our nation. Mayor gladly said “Yes.”  But the company went worldwide after 5 years.

    I think that this is an ok piece of writing. Next time I would like to have a bit more time to do this. BYE! 

    Tuesday, July 23, 2019

    The Water Cycle

    The Water Cycle 


    Hi, guys today in science we did an experiment about the water cycle. We made 3 bags one with water, one with soda water and one with sand and only a little drop of water. In each of the bag's, we put litmus paper.  Here are the results. 

    1. water/soda water   
    2. bag x3
    3. food colouring 
    4. litmus paper x3
    5. Vivid
    6. Sand
    7. Cup

    Steps for each bag:
    Bag 1 
    First, you need to get a bag and write in vivid on the bag all the main water cycle parts/label it. Step two add in one cup of water. Step 3 get one cup of water in the bag. Step 4 add-in two drops of blue food colouring in your bag. Step 5 get a litmus paper on the edge of the bag. Step 6 tape it to a window.  

    Bag 2
    First, you need to get a bag and write in vivid on the bag all the main water cycle parts/label it. Step two add in one cup of soda water.  Step 3 add-in two drops of blue food colouring in your bag. Step 4 get a litmus paper on the edge of the bag. Step 5 tape it to a window again.  

    Bag 3
    First, you need to get a bag and write in vivid on the bag all the main water cycle parts/label it. Step two add in one cup of sand. Step 3 add in at least 8 drops of water.  Step 4 add-in two drops of blue food colouring in your bag. Step 4 get a litmus paper on the edge of the bag. Step 5 tape it to a window again.  

    The Water Cycle: Bag 1
    CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
    Desert Water Cycle
    Bag 3
    Does it cycle?
    Yes, the water in the bag did cycle. Yes, the soda water bag cycle. Yes, it does cycle when it was dry. 
    Amount of Water
    The amount of water is 2. The amount of soda water is 2.The amount of desert water is 2.
    There is no acidity so it would be 1.There is acidity so it would be 3.There is no acidity so it would be 1.

    Key: Water and acidity amount: 
    1 = none 
    2 = small 
    3 = large 

    Other comments:

    1. Bag one did cycle water. 

    2. Bag one has an amount of water that is 2.

    3. Bag one had no acidity so it would be 1.

    4. Bag two did cycle even when it had soda water. 

    5. Bag two has an amount of water that is 2 aswell.

    6. Bag two had acidity so it would be 3.

    7. Bag three does cycle when it was dry. 

    8. Bag three an amount of water that is 2.

    9. Bag three there is no acidity so it would be 1.



    I think that all of the bags went well. Next time do this experiment in summer to get better results. Bag one did do the water cycle. Bag 2 also did the water cycle and bag three did do the water cycle even when it has the smallest amount of water. I think that this experiment was interesting and exciting. I think that this was a good learning experience. 

    Hurumanu: Fossil Fuels

    Hurumanu - Fossil fuels
     Image result for coal mining

    Aim: To look at how fossil fuels are contributing to climate change and how we can prevent this.

    Definition of Fossil Fuels:

    Scientific Terms for Students
    • Coal: a dark brown to a black solid substance formed naturally from the compaction and hardening of fossilized plants and used as a fuel primarily for electricity generation
    • Natural gas: a mixture of hydrocarbon gases that occurs naturally beneath the earth’s surface and is used as a fuel primarily for cooking and heating homes
    • Renewable resource: a resource that is never used up (e.g., solar energy)
    • non-renewable resource: a resource that is not replaceable after its use (e.g., coal, gas)

    Examples of Fossil Fuels:
    1. Coal - Coal is made from extracting coal that is from the ground. The biggest countries to have coal is USA, Russia, China and India.   
    2. Oil - Oil is made by tiny plants and animals from over a million years ago. These tiny plants and animals are called “ Plankton.”
    3. Natural Gas -  Natural Gas is made deep in the ocean. Dead and decaying organic matter is layered under a sedimentary rock under that is natural gas.


    In groups of 3, you will learn about different fossil fuels and the way they are mined?
    Each group will be given a fossil fuel. The recorder will read it to the group. The recorder will write down some of the important points.
    Person 1: Recorder: to write down 5 points of interest from the text. 

    1. 5 Points:
    2. Positives and negatives of your type of mining.
    Person 2: Reporter: to read back to the class their 5 points of interest.
    Person 3: Collector: Gathers the required stationery from the teacher.

    Mining Fossil Fuels

    What Fossil Fuels are mined?
    How are they mined?


    Where are they mined?



      On the sheet provided you need to make two drawings of your cookie. 
      1. looking down at it. 
      2. side on -  of the imaginary habitat that will live on the top of the cookie. ( trees, buses, flax, sea, etc)


      1.  Cookie 
      2.  Toothpick 

      Findings: What did you find out as a result of your mining?


      Monday, July 22, 2019

      What are we doing for art?

      Hey guys, today I am going to be telling you about what I have been doing for art. 

      So for art, we have to make a stop motion with clay or on a whiteboard. We have asked to do it on paper and now we are doing it on paper and it is so much easier. Before we did that we have to make a storyboard to tell a story. All of the groups are working on manaakitanga with meaning being kind, having hospitality, and much more. In my group, there is Felicity, Matt, Gerald and I. For our story we choose to do it about cleaning New Zealand. It is about four boys clean a park and then starts a business. They are called Mathew, David, Josh and Ethan. This story is meant to inspire people to put their rubbish in the bin.

      We are now taking the photos for our stop motion. After that, we will blog about it and you guys will have a chance to see our stop motion.  

      Here is a photo of a drawing we made for our stop motion.   

      Wednesday, July 3, 2019

      CIP - What am I doing for CIP?

      What am I doing for CIP?😃
      Hi guys today I am going to tell you what I do in CIP (Community Impact Project.) So for CIP, we get to choose some passions. I had chosen the singing and health leaders. Sadly I had to stop singing because I had health leaders at that time. 

      Health leaders are a mix of Hornby primary students and high school students.  

      Right now we are working on a peace corner. Do you know what a peace corner? It where you just calm down and if you are angry you can go in there and calm downing. We have came up with some ideas. Here they are. 

      • Art around the walls - Trees, Cherry blossom tree 
      • Bean Bag 
      • Plants 
      • Warm Cozy Bedding  
      • Lights 
      • Bookshelf/ Books 
      • Quotes
      • Pillows
      • Helpful feedback
      • Cherry sent
      • Art telling a story

      We also made some guidelines. Here are the guidelines. 

      • It is a place to calm down when you are angry or frustrated and also having some alone time. 
      • No running
      • Ask the teacher about going in the peace corner
      • No being loud
      • It's a quiet place
      • 2 people all times
      • Time limit/ 10 minutes
      • Respect the peace corner

      Now that you know what a peace corner, have you thought of making your own peace corner. Anyways bye.