
Wednesday, March 20, 2019



Bonjour guys today I am going to be showing my opinion on making art from our trash. So in class we had to vote on what type of art we should do. So we thought about making a mural of a plant or a bird native to New Zealand. I think this is a great idea because some of our native New Zealand birds are becoming extinct. I think we should do a Kiwi because they are becoming extinct. But I also think we should do a plant because not a lot of people know about our native plants. Also The plant I think we should do is the Manuka plant it is in our Maori school name and not a lot of people know that. Here is a photo of a Manuka plant.  Here are some photos that I found on Google. BYE see you in my next blog post.
Image result for ManukaImage result for plants made out of trash'
I could'n find a Native New Zealand plant made out of trash so I go this photo from google. 
Image result for a Kiwi sculpture made out of trash      

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