
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What Have I Been Doing For Reading?

What Have I Been Doing For Reading?
W.A.L.T summarize and retell the main Ideas from important information from what I have read in my own words.
Hi guys today I will be talking about what I do at reading time. At reading right now my group the DNA group and I have been working on solving a crime. The storey is about at school when there is a football game happening somebody breaks in to the ticket both. They stole $500 Here are the suspects Chris Fulton, Susan Delaney and Marla Jackson. Me and My group need to find who stole the money. Right now we only have two clues to try to find out who it was. The clues are muddy shoe prints and the ink from the note that was from the scene. In the ink we had to dip it with water. That was the code of where they put the money and someone found the code and got the money. I really enjoyed solving the crime and I will caught up on you when I have more clues. Here are some photos.  


  1. Hi Risha,
    I really like how you explained what you were doing for reading, I also liked the photos on your slide. It really got me into knowing more about DNA.

    What I think you should work on is you're punctuation in your blog post, and also I think that should bling up the slide you made.

    But anyway good job and keep it up, hope you all the best in your learning.

    1. Hi Blessing,

      Thank for commenting on my blog post. I will go back and check the punctuation on my blog post and slide show. I didn't have time to bling up my slide show because I thought about doing it last minute. Anyway thank you for commenting on my blog and have a nice day. BYE


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