
Friday, March 31, 2017

Beach Art

My Sculpture! 

W.A.L.T create an original Sculpture using objects found on the beach.   

This week been doing are sculpture of the things that we have collected from Spenser park. We first had to take all of the things we needed. The second step was to make a plan on paper and show the teacher. The third step was to put every thing together and show the teacher again. The next step was to use the hot glue gun and glue the places that needed glue. That was it.    

My Sculptures name is: Puss Boots Why I called my sculpture Puss Boots because Puss Boots has a feather on its hat. I put and shell and some feathers and a pine cone to make the body. My inspiration was the shell and feather.   



  1. Hi Risha, I really like your sculpture. How long did it take to make it? I really liked how you presented it. Maybe next time you proof read because some things don't make sense like."THIS WEEK BEEN DOING ARE SCULPTURE".be sides that you have done a great job.

  2. OK next time I will proof read!!!!


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