
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Gymnastic - P.E

Hello, guys, as you can tell by the title for the past few weeks we have been doing gymnastics in P.E. We have been working on six apparatus the Beam, Mini Tramp, Parallel Bars, Floor/Mat, Trampoline and Horizontal Bar. Personally, my favourite was the Mini Tramp, Horizontal Bard and the Floor/Mat. One of the challenges I faces was trying to lift myself up on the Parallel Bars but after a lot of practice, I finally was able to lift myself up and walk along the bars. Something I achieved was doing a dive roll on the mini-tramp which I found to be fun and exciting. At the end of Gymnastics, we had to do an assessment and record all the moves we were able to do. Here is my assessment hope you enjoy it. Bye.

Gymnastics Peer Assessment

Rater’s Name: Risha Class: 9RA Date: 27/10/21

SKILLS (Tick the skills which you can now safely perform)


  • Lower arm walk

  • Swing

  • Back Dismount

  • Forward Dismount

  • Forward roll


  • Straight Jump

  • Jump Full turn

  • Tuck Jump

  • Dive Roll

  • Somersault to land on feet


  • Forward roll

  • Backward roll

  • Headstand

  • Handstand

  • Cartwheel

  • Bridge


  • Side Mount

  • Jump over Cone 

  • Forward roll

  • Straddle Dismount


  • Toe Shoot

  • B/wd Hip Circle

  • B/wd Hip Circle Mount


  •  Controlled bounce

  •  Straddle jump

  •  Full Turn

  •  Seat Drop

  •  Front drop


truMp = Managing Self

  • I have a can-do attitude

Never | Always

  • I have my PE Uniform

Never | Always

  • I give up trying

Never | Always

  • I disrupt others

Never | Always
